Many routine vaccinations are available for free with the National Health Service. However, you may not be eligible for a vaccination on the NHS if you are not in a "high risk" category. If this is the case, and you would still like to have the vaccination, we can help.
The NHS offer routine immunisations to protect us against various illnesses including measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, tuberculosis and much more.
You can choose to have these vaccinations done at your NHS clinic for free. If you would like to have them sooner, or maybe would like to have a vaccination not yet offered to you through the NHS, please get in touch. Below are just a few examples of the routine vaccinations we can offer.
The MenACWY vaccine helps to protect against meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning) caused by the A, C, W & Y groups of the meningococcal bacteria. This vaccination is routinely offered to school pupils around 14 years of age. You may also require this vaccination if you are coming from other parts of the UK to university in Scotland, or if you are moving here to study from abroad.
The MenB vaccine helps to protect against meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning) caused by the group of meningococcal bacteria B. The MenB vaccine is provided to babies in three doses before they are a year old. Similarly to MenACWY, if you have not been vaccinated you can choose to have this vaccine to protect you from the B strain of Meningitis.
This vaccine is part of a five dose course that provides long-term protection against tetanus, diphtheria and polio. These are all provided on the NHS and are given within the childhood immunisation schedule. Adults may need a booster vaccination for tetanus if they are travelling abroad or suffer a dirty wound.
The MMR vaccine is given in two doses and helps protect your baby against measles, mumps and rubella. This vaccination is usually given between 12-13 months and then again at 3 years and 4 months old. If your child hasn't been immunised against these diseases, these immunisations can be given at any time.
The flu vaccine protects us from contracting the flu and is provided each year on the NHS to some eligible patients and people aged 65 years or older. You can also choose to have this vaccination privately if you are not eligible on the NHS. We provide the quadrivalent flu vaccine which is the most effective, as it protects against the four most common flu viruses of the season.
The HPV vaccination has been offered to girls in Scotland from 12 years old since 2008 but will be provided for boys from 2020. This is because evidence has shown that the HPV vaccine protects both males and females from HPV-related cancers. If you are not of school age and would like this vaccination, you may be able to have this done privately.
Shingles is an infection of the nerve, and can cause the overlying skin to be very painful. The vaccination is now routinely offered in Scotland as a single injection to people over the age of 70. If you are not eligible on the NHS but would like to be protected against shingles then we can help you.
This vaccination offers some protection from serious infections such as pneumonia, septicaemia and pneumococcal meningitis. It is provided by the NHS to people over the age of 65, or with any serious or chronic medical condition. If you are not eligible on the NHS but would still like to be vaccinated then we can help.
This vaccine protects your baby against rotavirus, a virus that affects the gut, causing severe vomiting and diarrhoea in babies and young children. Dehydration in children can be potentially life-threatening. The vaccination is given as a liquid in two oral doses, 4 weeks apart.